This morning the sun was shining and lasted all day. But there was a strange quietness in the air. The shepherds have removed the sheep to another area to graze, quite a distance from here, and their orchestra of bells which normally resonates all day long is now silent.
You can now hear the birds singing more clearly and a couple of cuckoos calling each other. The Sardinian owl which is permanently on a tree just behind our house can be heard every evening .
Yesterday there was new arrival in the land on the river side.
The new arrivals
Two of my brothers with two kids were here last night to pass some time together before I go back to Scotland. It will be up to them to carry on looking after the plantation and watering the vegetables and planting others as needed. The chickens also will be in their hands. They have been good, laying an average of 10 eggs a week which is more than we use here (only two chickens laying out of three).
The carasau bread. It is just 1.5 mm thick. I have measured with the calibre.
We made the bread a couple of times/#. Hard work but this is the quality of the home made bread,
Tomorrow I am attending a wedding and I will be in good company as there are 450 people invited. It will be a long day as wedding starts at 4 pm in the church to then have a dinner starting around 8 or 9 pm. I might escape at 12 midnight or 1 am to came back here and lock up the chickens. No guarantee I will manage that.
My last week's meals consisted in a plate of salad twice a day. Lunch and dinner with either, our eggs or cheese and olives, or pasta with almond sauce. Once with some meat, or with the other typical Sardinian dish as below
Carasau bread with olive oil and grated cheese. This is normally made in summer as bread is wetted with cold water and fresh tomatoes are eaten with it.
Penne with my experimental almond sauce.
Or when my brothers are visiting they bring something different....
Sardinian mullet cought in the southwest of the island
I realised now that this job is a full time job for one person and the amount of time needed for watering is something I did not expect. As we have different plants and vegetables in so many different areas, a rotation for watering is essential. It normally takes 2.5 hours to water everything .
But luckily rain is forecast for the week end. Lots of it. So no need to attend to the vegetables.
Some rain is still good now, especially for the fruit trees and olive trees. Olives trees seem to have an abundance of fruit this year which would (we hope) compensate the disastrous crop of last year.
For the grapes it is early to say but we are also hoping for a decent crop. I think we are leaving the place in good shape and when back in September we are hoping to find a good variety of vegetables and fruit to enjoy.
I was cracking almonds to take back to Scotland to have them as snacks
peaches starting to grow..
and figs...
Kaki (persimmon) still to flower
One of the chickens escaped from the netted area to wander around.
See you in September....